Single Family Office
Creation & Management

  • The Client

    Most individuals and families have need for both legal and financial advice and may separately employee an accountant, attorney, and financial advisor. This model may work well for the majority of people. However, for those with a very-high to ultra-high net-worth, this model may not be optimal.

    These individuals and families often have far more extensive estates with complex legal and financial needs. The creation of a Single Family Office provides a structure which coordinates input from both internal and external advisors while maintaining oversight of their performance for the purpose of ensuring that all are operating at the highest level possible and that decisions are only made which are in the best interest of the client.

  • The Structure

    The Single Family Office structure integrates estate planning, tax planning, and investment management for the purpose of asset protection and multi-generational wealth preservation. The Single Family Office client is provided with a team of experts who are vetted and committed to serving the family’s best interest at all times.

    Sigma creates and implements simplified and streamlined processes for complex estates. Depending on the needs of the client, Sigma may utilize its own personnel or will engage the services of other professionals with the required expertise including existing advisors, attorneys, or tax professionals. All services are tailored to the specific needs of the client. Sigma operates under a strict fiduciary standard.

  • The Benefit

    After a lifetime of wealth accumulation, high net worth families are typically assailed by obstacles to wealth preservation including complex estate laws, confiscatory estate taxes, and intricate business or family issues. Sigma works with advisors from multiple disciplines including the law and finance to provide Single Family Office clients with a comprehensive wealth transfer plan which optimizes asset preservation for the next generation.


 Single Family Office Services

Clients who do not meet the criteria for the creation of a Single Family Office may still benefit from Sigma’s Family Office Services.